Hi, great game, really gives that attack/expand feel of an RTS
The line of sight rules are really good as written (i.e. you can't shoot something a knight's move away). It forces you to consider blinds spots and lets you counter stationary defences. It probably also avoids a lot of arguments.
1 - Can the actions in 'activation' be done in any order? ex: use one unit, then fire a sentry, then play a special card, then fire with your base, then use another unit? Or do they have to be done in the order presented? i.e. units, then structures, then cards?
2 - Does each activation need be completed before another begins? i.e. assuming you have 2 activations, you cannot move a unit, then move another, then attack with both? You also cannot move a unit, then play a special action card, then attack with that unit?
3 - I'm assuming there's no limit to what you can buy in a turn other than your ability to pay for it and fit it on the board? You could even buy multiple upgrades in one turn?
4 - I'm assuming component limits are intended to be supply limits? i.e. once you've placed all 4 fighters you can't place more until destroyed
5 - I'm assuming the intent is that the first mine you place costs 2 iron (because one is already in play). If your original mine is destroyed or sold is the only time you could play a mine for 1?
6 - Looking at the turn order, you can recycle resources by playing/selling them assuming you have components available? i.e. Throw down 3 barricades in your home tile and sell them later that turn to quickly turn 3 iron into 3 random cards? Similarly play and sell sentries to turn silver into random cards?
Hi. With my group, we tried to make a team match. We had a lot of questions because the rules book is not so deep on this game mode.
If one of the two commands is destroyed, of any of the team players, the game is end, or do we need to destroy both?
If we can continue with one command, the player who lost his command, can continue training units on the partner´s command?
We can use both commands to train units. I mean I could train units in the command of my team mate?
Can I build structures in a place were there are pieces of my team mate?
Can we share minerals?
I thin we made some mistakes in our first team match. Firs of all, we thought that the 1x1 configuration of the board will make it faster, also we lost one command at the beginning of the game, and we continue, generating units for both player´s in the remaining command we had. We spent more than 8h and any of the teams achieve the victory.